1. | 00:00:30 | Call to Order/Roll Call |
2. | 00:00:45 | Approve Agenda |
3. | 00:01:29 | Public Comment |
4a. | 00:05:35 | Joint Meeting with the Parks and Recreation Commission |
4b. | 00:51:10 | Receive Finance Commissioni recommendations on the 2025 City Manager budget, tax levy, and 2025-2044 CIP |
4c. | 01:19:49 | Approve 1 Temporary Liquor License |
4d. | 01:21:12 | Consider Possible Additional Appointment to the Equity and Inclusion Commission |
5. | 01:31:57 | Future Agenda Review, Communications, Reports, and Announcements - Council and City Manager |
6. | 01:35:00 | Adjourn |